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 No.7509[View All]

general, modding, adventures, w/e
no tism too small

mods recs from other thread:
281 posts and 73 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I don't hate anomaly, I've done a few runs in the past and enjoyed it enough. I just think there's a lot of tedium in the name of realism, like the repair system, animations every time you equip a new suit, your character flailing around and losing vision when your health is low etc.. Some of it even has the opposite effect and makes things less believable, like how you can kill some high-ranking military general and then find that his inventory includes a broken AK47 with 4 bullets and a cum-covered porn mag. If hardcore difficulty is your thing I can see it being more enjoyable but personally I'd rather have something that plays closer to the OG games.
>plus you see a lotta ledditors even recommending skipping the trilogy and just diving into the sandbox mods, w no reference to any of the world/lore
Yeah that seems particularly popular with zoomer streamers and the like. Never really understood it because the whole intention of sandbox mods is for people who have already played the games to death and want a new experience. In fact I read somewhere that SoC was supposed to have a freeplay mode that you unlock as a postgame thing, not sure how true that is tho.
>ive often thought about writing up some simple little daggerfall type radiant quests. some shit that has little options on how you can beat them
CoTZ actually has something like that. Like for example there can be a quest where you have to find some documents for someone, but then after you've picked them up another dude might come along and offer you a better reward for them. It's only slightly less basic than the stuff from other sandbox mods though.


>I read somewhere that SoC was supposed to have a freeplay mode that you unlock as a postgame thing
SoC was supposed to have a bunch of shit. too much to even list. the definition of scope creep.
they wanted the alife to be able to literally beat the game without you. like if you shut down the scorcher, then just dicked around too long, some other random NPC could make it to the wish granter/c-con instead of you, and youd "lose". or other NPCs could finish sidequests without you. the alife was supposed to be completely autonomous. wacky stuff to be even thinking about in early 00s PC gaming, nvm actually trying
it was basically babbys first game development
>hey sergay
>what if we did literally everything?
cue lik 8yrs of development hell

>It's only slightly less basic than the stuff from other sandbox mods though

thats all you rly need tho
you need lik maybe 2 dozen things lik that. something with choice, and some minor consequence of that choice. which IS a lot, i get that. but a little goes a long way


Isn't there a mod that restores a lot of the cut content in SoC? I've heard the stories about the game's development and they really did try to add all kinds of crazy shit. It's a shame that Stalker 2 seems to have used their budget to go full AAA with voiced cinematic cutscenes and the like rather than using the budget and better technology to realise some of their old ideas, but maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.
>something with choice, and some minor consequence of that choice
Yeah the consequence would be that you piss off whoever you were working for in the first place and lose rep with that faction. My favourite ones are the assassination quests. It's largely the same "go and kill X random dude" ones that you'll get in CoC/Anomaly, but you have to be quick since it also sends other Stalkers after him too. Then if you do manage to kill him his faction gets pissed and you end up with a price on your head yourself. It's pretty cool and feels like the kind of thing that A-Life was intended for in the first place.


>Isn't there a mod that restores a lot of the cut content in SoC?
lost alpha was one. OGSE/R another. OLR. AMK. theres tons.
most mods, esp the earlier ones, are based on some weird interpretation of cut content to varying degrees.
one of the more fascinating things about SoC in particular is that, not only did it have an incredibly long and troubled development cycle, but it was remarkably well-documented. and we actually have those documents, and even assets, in some cases.
apart from the game just being the definition of slavjank SOVL this, more than any one thing, is what made stalker develop the mod scene it has. all that missed potential, and an entire slavic society of bored nerds willing to do the legwork


1 more week bros


tfw preparing for my yearly NV playthrough and just found out that TTW got a big update and have to spend gorillions of hours running their installer again, wish there was an easier way to do this shit


i wanted to do a nv playthrough recently
but then i remembered that it takes like a week of installing mods before you can play it and i was just like naaaah


Just use the Viva New Vegas guide, it only takes a few hours from my experience and gives you all the fixes and QoL stuff you need. My problem is that I get carried away and end up spending days installing unnecessary shit (also using TTW despite knowing full well that Fallout 3 is total ass)


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how does this affect sex mods?


Oblivion always had better models than Skyrim since they weren't cookie cutter generic and the shading/lighting choices allowed for more anime filtering so I would imagine Skyrim will devolve into the furry/BDSM sex mod game of choice while Oblivion Remaster will become the anime/weird shit mod game of choice.


vary interesting i must use this for my own financial gain and charge patreon monies for hardcore cuckime mods using licensed characters


Probably not as weird since OG Oblivion had a cult following in Japan.
Do modern Beth games even get modded that much anyway? Seems like Shartfield gets nowhere near as much attention in the modding scene as Morrowind and New Vegas. Hell even Skyrim and FO4 still get a fair few although most of them are sex mods.


>ideas to improve it were taken from Souls-like
>The stamina system was reworked to be less frustrating
>the HUD was changed to make it easier to understand and more aesthetically pleasing to young players
yeah fuck that zoomer shit I'm gonna be sticking to the original


my head canon on it is that every one with the talent to do it rightfully recognizes nubeth as shit
think i remember at least one OG sayin nah fuck fo4 but that may be bullshit


you might be thinking of that gay old man that does breakdowns of the development of the first two fallouts. tim? i forgot his name tbh


Tim Cain? iirc he directed Fallout 1 but left during the development of 2 because he didn't agree with the direction that the series was going in. Didn't like FO2 that much myself either tbh


yah that guy, but it's probably not the same guy >>8194 was talking about tho since he left before bethesda acquired fallout. idk why i was thinking they had anything to do with the first two games


OG modder i coulda phrased that better
just remembered there was that bethesda mod store thang somewhere around 4 too, so ya i'm prob misremembering


*sips* …..Yup, Morrowind's still got it


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I still need to play this
Wonder what kind of specs that guy has for it to be running that silky smooth? For me I usually get like 20-30fps max in the big TR cities


Something I noticed while reading through the latest TR changelog:
>Added the Foul Murder questline - an epilogue to Morrowind's main quest taking place in Necrom
Cool but wonder what made them change their mind on not including MQ related stuff? I wish you didn't have to play through Tribunal to get to it tho, I usually give that one a miss because it feels so different in tone to the main game.


It's implied after Bloodmoon that Nerevar found some shit and fucked off to Akavir. Official Imperial reports are that "Dagoth Ur, Sotha Sil, Almalexia, and possibly Vivec were slain in the possible Nerevar's fury" so it could just be a wrap-up quest to establish you as the one who killed 'em for the Imperial report or some shit.


I remember something like that being mentioned in Oblivion but never really looked into it more than that. Mainly just hoping they managed to keep it feeling natural and not too fanfic-y (pls no C0DA autism), but the TR team have been pretty good for that so far so I'm not too worried.


There's some fag who makes smutbait videos on Jewtube for daggerfall that makes the game look fun. I guess this is his modlist, I might have to give it a look in a few months.


Some of them look decent but
>magicka regen
>loading screens
wtf? are people unironically adding artificial loading times into games now?


That they are, that they are.


Quick reply is disconnected from the main reply now for some reason.


>modding in loading screens
no way lmao


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They even made them look exactly like the Skyrim ones, Todd has truly mindbroken them


lel whats it called when someone has nostalgia for something they never actually experienced? there's no way this kind of shit gets made by people who had to deal with constant loading screens/breaks back in the day. hell it used to be a noteworthy achievement if a game had as few of those as possible


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anemoia, humanity would lik to congratulate todd on his entrance into the collective consciousness
ps5 make a hullabaloo about low load time tech didnt it? then again some zoomies play 56k screeches as a novelty, so mayb going backwards is the new vidya frontier


>some zoomies play 56k screeches as a novelty
man i'm learning all sorts of things in this thread


>mayb going backwards is the new vidya frontier
Hasn't it kinda been that way for a while already with all the indie pixelshits they've been making for the past 10 years or so? Hilarious that people want to emulate the inconvenient parts now tho, I guess it's like the gaymer version of how audiophile fags insist on using vinyls and cassette tapes.


you're not wrong but going so far back as to reintroduce shit people explicitly hated back then is next level


i dont hat it for some reason. kind of a white cell against brain rot maybe?
or lik them nintoddle warnings about vidya too long


i fail to see how loading screens would counteract brainrot, the content itself is what causes that


I always like loading screens as a kid because they were opportunities for cool shit and to talk with your budys during multiplayer, I just hated when they took like 30 seconds or more


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True. Particularly the ones with minigames or neat lore would be fun to see at times.


it just seems laughably arbitrary to put a completely unnecessary "feature" into a game that brings everything to a screeching halt when it otherwise doesn't need to go through noticeable loading times


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people might not like a lot of shit on their turkey and shit sandwich but they question where's the shit when it's not there


In most games they never bothered me that much but specifically in Todd's games they were pure hell. I highly doubt that anyone has fond memories of playing Oblivion on Xbox 360 at 10fps with long ass loading screens every 5 minutes. Heard that Morrowind was even worse but neither me nor any of my bros could afford an OG Xbox tbh


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that's cuz todd was rebootin ur box


I lik watching these interviews with old vidya devs. You can tell that they had genuine passion. It wasn't just a commercial product, they were just a bunch of nerds making some cool shit for other nerds to enjoy. Different to nowadays where games are made by clueless suits with zero connection to the player base who just mindlessly follow trends and mass appeal so that nothing new ever gets tried. I'm glad we have the TR devs carrying the torch nowadays because there's no way Bethesda will ever be allowed to do anything interesting again (and I doubt they'd even be capable of it anymore anyway tbh).


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og xbox morrowind was kinda like this


I never played xbox morrowind, but potato PC morrowind was a lot like this too. You get used to having a buffer every 5 steps


except stadia was actually garbage and is now ded


lik starin out da window when yeem been clicky clackin for too long, break the spell for a sec
just spit ballin obv


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That image aged pretty badly lol
Reminds me of playing Oblivion on a potato. My PC was so shit that I downloaded a mod called "Oldblivion" (I think) which let you turn the graphics down even further than the lowest settings and still only got like 15-20fps at most. Eventually I just caved and bought the console version.
>tfw missed out on all those weird fucked up Japanese porn mods


counteracting brainrot takes months for most people not a couple minutes or however long these fake loading screens last lmao that's like saying you counteracted your emphysema by not smoking for a day

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