>>8133this game looks cool as fuck, gonna try it now
>>8149ah yes "clipboardimage" truly the greatest of games
>>8133>>8153>played a little bit>kicked some fucked up looking drunk guy's ass so hard he joined my party>then he immediately fell into a river and disappearedlel yah i think this might be a good one
>>8133>>8154man i'm really enjoying this game thanks for pointing it out
still haven't found the drunk guy tho did he just straight up die in the river?
>the drunk guy reappeared in the tavern and doesn't member his budys
>>8159Sorri buddi, that happen sometimes
>>8158I've heard some good things about it and Lunacid.
Only thing is any time I look stuff up about them in regards to them being "morrowind-likes" I always hear they are quite short.
To me one of the best things about Morrowind is just how much content there is. I have played through Morrowind at least 5 times probably over 500 hours and still haven't seen and done everything.
>>8161Yeah Dread is relatively short (it's no 500 hour playthrough) and the quests are kinda shit. It's fun though.
>To me one of the best things about Morrowind is just how much content there is.Yeah it's kinda amazing. There's games with a shit-ton of side content, but most of them are just boring slogs whereas Morrowind always has shit to do and it's never just "grind 10 wolf hides" crap, even the collection quests involve actually going out and exploring rather than just collecting resources.
>just now beat felvidek
not sure i liked that ending tbh
i still liked the game a lot, short but the music is mostly nice, the battles are fun, and the characters are all some level of jackass in a good way imo. "you acquired a jew" keeps making me laugh
>>8168>most expensive is almost $2kwew so how bad were you expecting it to be? bc that seems p bad. i know inflation got retarded these past couple years but you can still probably build a decent gayman rig for less than that
>>8168Fuckin hell, i remember the days when a $1000 PC was considered high end and overkill. Now even regualar mid range parts are almost that much.
>>8170it's no wonder Microshart keeps bombarding me with those "Throw away your perfectly good PC and upgrade to an overpriced Windows 11™ machine goyim" messages
>>81694090s are about 2k right now i think or were recently
used to em ass raping on gen jumps
>>8170i got a new computer two or three years ago for a grand and it runs everything i play just fine at 4k 60fps. my budys suggested just doing a prebuilt because it was cheaper than building it yourself so i did and i lik the thing. wish i got more storage tho, i saw a half a terabyte and was lik HOLY SHIT THATS HUGE lo and behold the times have changed and the gayms have bloated
>>8173>half a tblmao no no no that's not enough, especially for modern AAA bloat. though storage has gotten ridiculously cheaper compared to ten years ago so you could just get a big ass HD and add it to your rig. or an external HD if you got one of those gay prebuilts that doesn't allow for extra internal storage
>>8173for an nvme ssd that's a gud amount, that's what your install da os on and all your other programs
hdd is for vidya and everything else cuz it's cheep, got an 8TB drive for like $120 and that was 5 years ago so it's prolly cheaper now. for games that load really slow you can also get a sata ssd for them which are also cheap at lower capacities
my main build is 7 years old and i don't even play vidya on it, mostly gamedevving. my gayming rig is now 10 years old but i only play old vidya so it doesn't bother me
>>8173lol iktf bro, I have an xBoner with a 1TB SSD and if you play Western AAA slop it only fits like 3 gaymes at a time. There are theories that they purposely bloat the games so that you have to uninstall one made by a rival company to play it, wouldn't surprise me if that's true because Jap stuff is nowhere near as bloated.
>>8176doubt it, it's just devs not caring about sizes anymore since storage is so cheap, and they're under immense pressure from suits and publishing jews to get shit released ASAP so no time for optimization. might be different in nipland because of the culture and work ethic but idk
>>8177por que no los dos?
i could easily see some faggot suits going either way with it
>>8175>>8173if spro is runnin 4k hes prolly on newer games which makes ssd just about mandatory. can find em cheap af now if ya keep your eyes out, def worth throwing an extra 1 or 2 tb in it
>>8179Even for old stuff it's worthwhile, I finally upgraded to one about a year ago and loading screens are pretty much nonexistent now
red eclipse is surprisingly good for a foss game, although you have to turn off most of the effects otherwise its an eyesore imo
i can't for the life of me remember the name of this DOOM was but it was awesome
>gameplay involved fighting themed waves of enemies (cacodemon variants, wizards, aliens etc.)
>weapons were placed at spawn points and were also themed (fire based weapons, machine guns, explosives, sparts "weapons" which were things like basketballs and baseballs + bats)
>after a number of waves you fight unique bosses like a giant imp that sheds tons of smaller imps as you damage it
>another boss was dial up oower rangers or some shit and iirc the joke line for their introduction was that they were waiting since the 90s to connect (this one i am probably misremembering a bit)
>levels were all open arenas with one being on like a suspension bridge and another was city streets
>there was even a boss rush mode where you're on a raised platform in the middle of a stadium
>there were also "modes" that would roll every wave with shit like altered sound effects or bizarre sock puppet enemies
found it immediately after i made that post lmao it's the reelism and reelism 2 wads the 2nd one is definitely fun as shit but i don't remember much about the first one though i was also deep in my drinking days when i was playing it
>>8202i try to forget the dramaring exists, it's basically just the very most obsessive spastics that ruined 8gag that are left anyway. best to just leave them alone entirely, even looking at their posts might cause actual brain cancer
>>8202That's pretty standard for alt-chans tbh. Most of them are rulecucked shitholes frequented by 30-something depressed NEETs crying about everything, which end up eventually stagnating and dying a slow death because they all screech about newfags every time someone who isn't one of the regular 5 users shows up. And the few that are relatively normal and non-rulecucked end up getting pizza spammed into oblivion half the time. The fact that this site has been going for like 11 years now without any real problems (besides duder "forgetting to pay the bill" a few times) is a fucking miracle
>>8202My only experience with /v/ was eating a ban for making a thread about Goat simulator. Spee is chill.
>>8206wdym? like the devs whose games won are butthurt because it was ign that voted or that devs who make shitty games are mad their bribes sent to screw attack or whatever the fuck wound up being meaningless?
>>8208That's The Game Awards. This is The
Real Game Awards where the only thing that counts is gamers voting on shit.
Devs (like nightmare kart) are mad because they think it's some right-wing anti-woke conspiracy theory when it's just people voting on which games they like/dislike.
Nightmare Kart had a mental breakdown that people who aren't trans like his game and voted it best racing of 2024 and Selaco had a mental breakdown that their trailer was featured. No.8210
>>8209oh wtf i couldn't watch the video earlier and didn't notice the "real" in the thumbnail, that clears it up
wait wait wait, they're butthurt people like their games?
am i retarded or is that actually how it be like it do?
>>8211Yeah nah, Selaco had a meltdown because they didn't want to be associated with it and Nightmare Kart went on an entire porn-post about how he was gonna have his tranny hubby rub his gaping wound because he was so mad about it (not even an exaggeration)
They really are that dumb
>>8212>make a game that people actually enjoy despite your own personal faggot politics>get mad because they said they enjoyed it on the "wrong" game awards show man if i poured effort into something and people liked it i couldn't give less of a shit what show it was featured on. not only would it be encouraging it's free advertising
plus it's just plain funny if you make something and people you hate give you money and praise for it, these niggers really need to learn to laugh at the situation
>>8209>can't even say you like a vidya gaym anymore without it turning into some twitter culture war bullshitwtf? goobergate was over 10 years ago, I thought we would've gotten past this shit by now
>>8214spro these "people" in entertainment cliques live in constant fear of being struggle sessioned
lik if they didnt shid and piss their diapies they'd catch articles about "nahtzees new dog whistle and why the devs silence is problematic" and boom there goes their entire career
changing somewhat now, but you get it
>>8219i know it'd just be way easier for them if they grew some balls
bigger ones in the case of the trannies i gues lmao. has a single dev that told those types to fuck off actually failed in any capacity when their game was actually good? like with all gay things in this gay earth the power they actually have when you step away from the screens and mock them is minimal
>>8220Not really a dev but iirc there was that time Raiden's VA had some sexts leaked and they tried to cancel him over it for muh soggy knees but he basically just ignored the whole thing and it eventually went away. Meanwhile when the same thing happened to Chris Avellone he lost all his jobs and everything despite him constantly simping for trannies
>>8220cant recall specific names but it seems to be if it catches the right viral yim winds, like anything else
and ya lik other guy said not backing down bc then you're a traitor twice
zeitgeist is definitely changing now though so theres going to be a lot of pretend grifters a la kingdom buttcum's recent bs
>>8221he got a 7 figure settlement from a libel suit because of that apparently. still got fucked out of work but 7 figures is plenty enough to dry those tears tbh, though i wonder if he's learned any lessons from the ordeal. probably not lel
>>8223Hopefully he learnt the futility of trying to appease twitter trannies, but probably not since the dude is kind of a fag
>Super Mario supermarket in Costa Rica wind trademark lawsuit against Nintendo
>>8228inwould love it so much if some spic supermarket got a billion dollar settlement out of nintendo for copyright infringement, the pottery would be exquisite and not gay like the tpaste kind
>>8255imagine the
temperature, she must be cold