>>8214spro these "people" in entertainment cliques live in constant fear of being struggle sessioned
lik if they didnt shid and piss their diapies they'd catch articles about "nahtzees new dog whistle and why the devs silence is problematic" and boom there goes their entire career
changing somewhat now, but you get it
>>8219i know it'd just be way easier for them if they grew some balls
bigger ones in the case of the trannies i gues lmao. has a single dev that told those types to fuck off actually failed in any capacity when their game was actually good? like with all gay things in this gay earth the power they actually have when you step away from the screens and mock them is minimal
>>8220Not really a dev but iirc there was that time Raiden's VA had some sexts leaked and they tried to cancel him over it for muh soggy knees but he basically just ignored the whole thing and it eventually went away. Meanwhile when the same thing happened to Chris Avellone he lost all his jobs and everything despite him constantly simping for trannies
>>8220cant recall specific names but it seems to be if it catches the right viral yim winds, like anything else
and ya lik other guy said not backing down bc then you're a traitor twice
zeitgeist is definitely changing now though so theres going to be a lot of pretend grifters a la kingdom buttcum's recent bs
>>8221he got a 7 figure settlement from a libel suit because of that apparently. still got fucked out of work but 7 figures is plenty enough to dry those tears tbh, though i wonder if he's learned any lessons from the ordeal. probably not lel
>>8223Hopefully he learnt the futility of trying to appease twitter trannies, but probably not since the dude is kind of a fag
>Super Mario supermarket in Costa Rica wind trademark lawsuit against Nintendo
>>8228inwould love it so much if some spic supermarket got a billion dollar settlement out of nintendo for copyright infringement, the pottery would be exquisite and not gay like the tpaste kind
>>8255imagine the
temperature, she must be cold No.8278
GAYmer: How's Gayming?
Evan Gayer: It's great here. It's really great, um… I don’t know; I played this game today, and, um, there were these gaymers, and they were gayming, and I didn't feel anything, you know? And, um, I don’t know… I even tried gayming, and John is using these gayming products—I just, I don't know who I gaymed.
Evan Gayer: Oh, can you wait a second? Just hold on. I'll be right back.
GAYmer: Okay, sure.
Gaymer: Sorry, what were you saying?
Evan Gayer: Nothing. It's okay. I'll call you later, okay?
GAYmer: Okay. Have the best time. Just call me when you get back, okay?
>>8279me i was the gay phone all along
>>8265so uh is buying a copy of a movie just ded now?
>>8281I'm guessing there's enough of them stockpiled to last another few years but probably unless someone else starts producing them I guess. Physical games (outside of Nintendo) have largely been a meme for quite a while anyway since they're usually too big to fit on the disc, and for other media (((they))) want everyone to pay for the shitty streaming services. The main one I'm wondering about is anime since for a lot of series the blu-ray version is the only way to watch it without censorship.
>>8265i've never even bought or even held a single bluray disc in my life. i had a bluray burner but never used it for BDs, just DVDs and CDs. having everything digital does just make it easier provided you can have complete control over it. leave it to the slavs to rip everything and encode it in a non-shitty format so i can keep it on my media server for eternity
>av1 allows entire 1080p season rips under 8GByou could fit an entire tv season on a single dual-layer dvd
obviously it won't work in a dvd player since it needs to be encoded in mpeg2 but still we livin in the future
>>8282there are also plenty of third-party bd manufacturers but the sony ones were the only ones of reliable quality
>>8282>animeniggas still have FAX machines
you really think they're givin' up on bluray?
>>8303WHERE?all i have around me is faggot ass barcades and half of them have been beat to shit by porch monkeys
>>8305the fact you've never seen one means you are blessed and you should be happy about it
yes they're real, and yes they're populated by the exact kind of faggot you're probably picturing in your head. wait does bong hell even have hipsters? i know you've got pakis and chavs which are just your version of niggers and wiggers
>>8308Millennials with soy beards who spend all their money on IPA and funko pops exist here but I rarely see them irl. Closest thing I've ever seen to a barcade was a night club with a broken X-Men machine outside tho, I'm guessing the concept isn't that common here because eventually someone would end up destroying all the machines in a bout of drunk tard rage or something.
>>8309>because eventually someone would end up destroying all the machines in a bout of drunk tard rage or somethingoh that definitely happens, especially if someone is dumb enough to open a barcade in a spot that hasn't been fully gentrified yet
An error has occured.
Error posting
I played Atelier Sophie at the recommendation of the friend. As far as JRPGs go it's alright, it's got a standard crafting mechanic that is engaging enough that combined with the VN aspects it keeps the skinnerbox alive, but I hate it. I'll never play an Atelier game again. That last boss is bullshit.
>hadn't used the nobara partition in several weeks because >>>>work fuck i hate work so god damn much
>go to boot it up today
>shitton of updates
>k i'll just upd-
>update stops
>The downloaded packages were saved in cache until the next successful transaction.
>You can remove cached packages by executing 'dnf clean packages'.
>ok i'll just open up terminal and do th-
>Repository fedora is listed more than once in the configuration
>0 files removed
>the solutions i looked up online don't seem to work
ok either i'm misreading something (very possible) or this is some linux snowflake distro bullshit that i don't have the time or patience to figure out (also very possible)
>>8360this one
was working better for me than ubuntu. idg what happened i'm probably gonna have to sift through the fuckin log and sort out any errors i can figure out
it's frustrating bc every time i've tried linux i
always seem to get fucked after not using my computer for a couple weeks. for instance when i tried ubuntu everything was swell then i went roughly three weeks without touching my computer and when i tried to boot it up it kept going into like an infinite loop or some shit and nothing i tried fixed it then i eventually just gave up and had to wipe it completely.
the single overwhelmingly positive thing i can say about post-xp m$ is that i've never had the OS seemingly just destroy itself out of nowhere after being left alone for too long, wtf causes this shit?
>>8361fedora doesn't use yum? it's not bundled with a gui updater/package manager like synaptic? is the referenced repo listed multiple times in whatever the equivalent of sources.list andsources.list.d/ is?
what even is the problem it's causing?
whatever it is you should be able to brute-force it by making a copy of your home dir and reinstalling, or if you have it on a separate partition just reinstall and point /home to that partition
there should be a way to export your list of installed packages if there's a lotta shit to reinstall.
if you were using apt and dpkg I could give you better advice
>>8363it has yum and the main issue seems to be that shit about multiple fedora repositories
i'll post more info whenever i get back around to it which mite b awhile. i'm not giving up on it tho i just have vary limited free time these days to fuck around with it
also yes i'm using the gui updater/package manager, the log listed several errors. i probably installed some unnecessary stuff last time i used it that's causing conflicts now idk what else would be the problem
redundant repo entries isn't necessarily a problem
is it installing the same package multiple times or different versions of some package or lib simultaneously? unless there's some kind of breakage or lossage idk what's actually wrong
anyway if you want to clear packages and it has yum you might be able to clear the cache with a yum command. you could also delete the cache in whatever dir of /var that's kept in.
>>8358sudo yum clean packages
for some reason it dont wanna clean shit unless you super do
also theres this shitty thing you should just remove but i cant remember what it is ill see if i can find it but if you remove it things should "just work" and update. no need to drudge thru distros or whatever. i had the same problem.
>>8358its probably gamescope. that was my issue.
sudo yum remove gamescope -y
no idea why it was such a fuckin shit that it basically bloacked all other updates but after i removed it things updated just fine.
>not sudoing to update
this is a joke right?
>>8370>>8371well that worked fuckin gr8, thanks budy
still tho why did it throw a shitfit like that? i've updated things before and all was fine. does linux get separation anxiety like a dog and then just shit all over the figurative carpet?
>>8372i'm clearly not a linux pro, faggot i'll learn as i go
you need permissions to change essential system files
ok so i started using nobara again to compare how it handles noita with how wangblows 10 runs it and it's leagues of difference, it's jittery and shitty on win10 even when there's not a lot of things happening on screen meanwhile playing on nobara it runs noticeably faster and takes way more chaos for it to start slowing down
is that a normal amount of difference? is win10 really that shitty or is it a configuration thing?
we are officially in the stage of clownworld where vidya runs better on *nix than on windows
I saw non-zero posts on steam about this and that game running better through vulcan (dxvk) in wine/proton than on windows and that was years ago
>>8373:) im glad it worked for you.
>shit the bedthe gamescope thing is by and for steam
specifically big picture mode as far as i understand so maybe theyll unfuck that one day or maybe not but who knows if/when their boss will tell them to unfuck it
>>8376>>8377Can't say I ever had any problems with Noita on Win10 myself so it might just be a driver thing on your machine or something. Still, DOSbox was originally just a Linux thing iirc (because Windows still had native DOS support back then) so it honestly wouldn't surprise me if something like WINE or Proton gets ported to Windows in the future for better old vidya support.
>just like, port linux to windows bro
>>8382forgot to mention my hardware is like ten+ years old at this point, idk how well these hold up but i still have shit like an amd fx-6300, 8gb ddr3 RAM, and an amd radeon r9 200. though i think they were all pretty decent at the time i built the computer so i guess they had some longevity, but i'm not tech literate enough to say how it compares to newer stuff
>>8383wsl does exist for win10, just sayin'
if you use wsl to run games through wine I hope you're arrested and sent to clown jail where you have to wear rainbow hair and a red nose forever