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ITT: Post you're high scores, time trials, speedruns or whatever and other anons try to beat them. Stole this idea from fatchan /vr/ (RIPIP)


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I'll start with mine in Tetris (NES)


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Vampire Survivors Gold goes brrrrrrr
the game stopped showing me how much gold I have on the main screen and the number got too big, but I think I left it to run in the background for an hour or so once I got the setup right.


.>we had a thread like this awhile back and i posted a score i had in star fox 64 of like 1710 or something but poop pedophile wiped the bort and i forgot about it until now. i'll have to fish out my n64 and set it up to prove it when i have the time tho


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big if true, best I could do was this
also I haven't played this shit in years and forgot how to get the real ending lol


Also this video is still stuck in my head every time I hear the voices lmao
>uploaded 16 years ago


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i was wrong i got 1732


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damn son I suck ass at this game


i've had bouts of playing it roughly once a year for almost 27 years
i'm not even autistic tier tho, there's score run spergs that have gotten 3k+. there's a ton of little glitches you can abuse to pad your score in most levels like getting repeated hit+'s on one enemy. so levels where normal play wouldn't net you much more than 150 can give you multiple hundreds of hits (like the bolse satellite apparently, just looked up a record and some dude got 600+ hits there lmao)


I actually had an N64 back in the day but somehow never had that game, so I spent most of my years playing it in fucking Project64 lol.
Tried watching some speedruns and it seems like there's a trick where you fire charge shots at the floor because the splash damage gives you more points than hitting them directly. As well as all kinds of ways you can use the bombs like shooting them to detonate them early. Amazing how much depth there can be in such a short game, nu devs should focus more on this kind of shit rather than making giant empty games.


>how much depth there can be in such a short game
well the glitches weren't exactly intentional lol but yeah it'd be nice to have another 3d shooter with multiple paths to take to get through the campaign, i can't really think of another one that was as satisfying to play as sf64. or at least any that weren't totally linear. though i haven't exactly looked that hard in recent years either let me know if you come across one and >we can have a competition with something that neither of us has played to death


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>advertising it like this
i swear to god if this is another case of "retard does some shit that nintendo will kill in its crib" imma frown


It's the same devs as Ship of Harkinian so they know what they're doing I guess. Couldn't post the full link because of duder's spam filter (despite that glownigger honeypot URLs seem to get through just fine)


yah well hopefully they don't get too arrogant like the yuzu trannies and fuck it all up horrendously for everyone else
>despite that glownigger honeypot URLs seem to get through just fine
fedophile has resorted to putting "regular" links in the irl loli pics bc the filter keeps btfoing him so he started going with onion links instead. idk if thise are just harder to filter or if duddman simply didn't think of it


>glance at ship of harkinian out if curiosity
>currently only working on pal versions
i forget, did pal versions have the islamic crescent and bloodstains in the well/shadow temple or were those already removed by the time pal was being distributed?


My memory is hazy because it was like 25 years ago but I'm pretty sure they were there
t. britbong
In SoH specifically you can also use the in-game options and mods to enable that stuff. I even modded in the old Fire Temple music with the Muslim chanting.


oh shit that's neat. do you have to have a decent gpu to run it or should i not even bother until i've built a new super toaster?


It runs fine on my 10 year old shitbox office PC so you should be alright lol. Check this one out too for Majora's Mask: https://github.com/Zelda64Recomp/Zelda64Recomp


thanks man


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>trying to get an EoSD 1CC for da thread
>haven't played it for years and forgot that I fucking suck ass at toe hoe games
it's been 2 days and I haven't even got to Remy's stage once, might as well fucking kill myself tbh fam


first you should get a score your happy enough with to leave as your legacy


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I managed to wrangle my Nvidia driver into displaying the game in the right resolution and it made things a little easier lol. But my score is probably still pretty bad since I spammed bombs a lot.
Kinda caught me off-guard because I played the latest 2hu game recently and it was a lot easier than this one. I guess ZUN probably went a little soft since he's a middle-aged normie with a wife and kids these days.


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went for PCB and cleared it first attempt, guess they really did get easier


how wonky are the hitboxes in 2 hoes? i'm already bad at bullet hell games and whenever i see footage of someone playing one of these it looks like they're doing shit that should get them btfo but it doesn't. as in some of the attacks will look like it's overlapping the player's sprite or whatever you call it and it doesn't hurt them


whoops cut out part of that post
i'm already bad at bullet hell games when the player character has a near pixel perfect hitbox i meant


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Touhou is definitely on the easier side when it comes to shumps/bullet hells imo, I have a much easier time with it than more traditional stuff like Gradius and R-Type anyway. It's mostly just a matter of autistically memorizing patterns. Also all the games after 6 also make the hitbox visible on the sprite with a button press (pic related). And if all else fails there's always EASY MODO tho that denies you the good endings in the older games.


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gay I know but I'd rather him get into the series that way than through porn and memes while never actually playing the games like 90% of the fanbase


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LLS. As janky as the PC98 games are the art is GIGASOVL


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It's out
Haven't done a full run yet but fucked around for 5 minutes and it seems to work okay


if only you could see my soyface rn
gonna try this shit out when i get home


yah runs great, but i need to get a n64 controller for my pc because the shitty logitech controller i have doesn't really suit this game very well even with remapping


if you already have a real console just get one of those USB adapter things


i would but the controllers i have are ancient and mostly broken from repeated moves. as in more than the joysticks are messed up, it'd just be easier to buy a new one than try and fix any of them


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you can get one of the third-party n64 controllers where they make the layout more realistic and easier to hold


i like that first one. second one looks clunky af tho


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Looks like it's ripped off from those old Hori ones


>d-pad directly in the center
seems like bad placing tbh, but most n64 games didn't really use the d-pad anyway i guess. kirby 64 probably woulda been a pain in the ass with that tho

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