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/v/ - Vidya I Guess

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File: 1738675063488.png (432.93 KB, 973x539, 139:77, Pro Gaming Rig.png)


whats ur rig
do u like it
what parts u wanna buy


File: 1738703579689.png (889.9 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1650807683817.png)

A 10 year old Dell Inspiron that I added an SSD and a salvaged Nvidia card to over the years
Sure, it runs pretty much every game I care about
None until if/when something breaks (and I'm not installing shitblows 11 either fuck you microshart)


that screencap is almost physically painful to read, dude got ripped off as hard as best buy could manage
anyway my rig is a decade old with a 3.6 ghz amd processor, 8 gb ram, and a radeon 290 (i think, i'm on my laptop and just recalling from memory rn) and it runs the vast majority of modern indie shit. dunno if it would be able to run any AAA stuff at all, but i also haven't seen a AAA game that i was even remotely interested in playing in like 4 years
i like it tho it's served me well, but the gpu is probably about to go to shit and when that happens i'm gonna have to build a whole new rig because of how old all the hardware is. not looking forward to it tbh considering the gpu prices nowadays where even a mid range one is probably going to be over half of the cost of the build


*radeon r9 290
whoops forgot that bit

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