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/v/ - Vidya I Guess

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 No.7464[View All]

really this thread dies with op because killer bean will be the final good game ever made.
regardless, post about new games.
71 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Processor is only slightly older, but the LCD model is a power hog with poor circulation/design so the actual runtime after X hours is significantly worse. It's a good deal but he also spent an entire week's wages on it even if he's working overtime next month to pay rent.


tell him to come here and post his 'ick on 'eck


>splurging on stupid vidjer gorms when rent is a noteworthy issue
regardless of whatever model he picked you should tell him to stop being retarded with his money.
taking a quick glance at the sale price it's $336, if that is enough to plague his entire next month's budget then he should focus on getting a way better job than whatever horseshit he's stuck in right now


He's one of those people who won't learn until he's homeless, and at that point he's more likely to commit suicide. He thinks the world owes him a comfy home and vidya. It can't be helped.


have you tried beatings?


They had the reverse effect.




well that certainly looks interesting


they're probably going to go private but the frog family that owns it really doesn't want to get pushed out of the picture
maybe they'll auction off their properties to someone actually competent lol
i just want a new splinter cell that's good


>splinter cell that's good
>look up when the last game was released
completely ded franchise, reviving it this long after is almost guaranteed failure.
anyway the last one i played was double agent and that was a huge step down from chaos theory, like sub-pandora tomorrow level of step down. i still remember enjoying parts of it but having sam become a fugitive at the end was some gay jason bourne bullshit and i didn't bother with anything afterwards. it's a real shame too considering all the new military tech that's come out since then, a writer that's worth a damn could easily magic up an outline where sam infiltrates like BRICS nations and has to figure out how to operate around modern surveillance and drones or something. anything but the direction it went. even if you want to be "realistic" about it since sam would be old af by now you could introduce a new operative that he trained and as long as he isn't written to have some rainbow hair marvel quip tier personality it could probably work


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Virtua Fighter 6 + there bringing 5 back immediately but with a number of improvements, steam open beta starts NOW for 5 days releases in iirc jan, beta for roolback testing i guess and its on ps4 no rollback now to, but not a free open beta. thats only for computers

oversized vid is a game from the devs that makes Yakuza and looks lik yakuza but in 1915


prolly, i haven't even played through chaos theory all the way through. i heard it only got worse after that but i want to see it for myself there's a scene in convction where he beats the shit out of anna but that's all i know. the first one was good, pandora tomorrow was also pretty good, i like the part where you have to switch back and forth between night and thermal vision to avoid the spotlights and landmines at the same time.
have them all burned to discs for my 360 so i just need to set aside time to go through all of them


it's probably been said a million times but chaos theory is the goat stealth game. you should finish it and thoroughly explore all the options for each mission, it's very much worth it imo. i liked the first two games too but the missions are much more linear which kinda kills their replayability
lel can you kill her too like you could kill the headscarf lady (delilah?) in pandora tomorrow was that even pandora tomorrow? it's been years since i played it tbh


i think it was just a cutscene, never played it and i only saw the thumbnail
also ya that was PT, i loved that part since you're supposed to follow her in the shadows in jerusalem while stealth taking down IDF soldiers (i think), then right as you get in the elevator you have about five seconds to shoot her or else a ton of guards show up in the next level cuz she jews you
great game design tbh


it really was. when i said "step below PT" i meant more in regards to the linearity of it btw, i didn't mean to shit on PT. it's just that after chaos theory and how every level was pretty open ended with how you went about completing objectives in comparison to the first two games double agent was kinda a slap to the face. it might not even be as bad as i'm remembering it actually bc i played it right after sinking a shitload of time into chaos theory, but i do know the story was fuckin stupid, with the way lambert was killed off being particularly stupid. dude's in charge of aome black budget NSA type shit and i'm supposed to believe he's gonna be retarded enough to personally waltz down to a known terrorist hideout and sniff around? gtfo my face with that


They managed to revive Hitman and that was a similar timeframe I think. How is Splinter Cell anyway and are they playable on PC nowadays? Never really bothered with it back in the day since I was a hardcore MGSfag


the gap between hitmans was only like 5 years, and hitman also wasn't ever owned by ubisoft which is a suicidally incompetent company
it actually tries and imo succeeds really well at being a stealth game for at least the first three installments and sort of for the 4th, though you can tell that's where it falls apart bc they got rid of the light meter and just put in a two color indicator on sam's equipment. you are very much encouraged to make it through missions with as few kills and alerts as possible otherwise enemies become progressively more alert and remain so for the rest of the mission instead of like with mgs where everyone shits their pants but then everything goes back to complete calm after a timer. i'm p sure they've all got pc releases


poe2 is fuckin gud and dont gimme that payin for free gayme i got stash tabs for my hording dag nabbit
a lot lik d2. gorgeous, best loot system in one of these maybe ever, drops are upped to the point i had 4 exalts before lvl 30, not as much customization in builds tho but the leveling feels great and its still missing half the story so hopefully chris'll prob fig that out and add more skills

minor gripes towards mapping but prob 8.333/10 right now


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new game in new game thread


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more vids for new game in new game thread


looks neat
>for consoles


i've seen this on xwitter for a while, looks interesting but the cartoon style matched with non-cartoon violence is a bit jarring


ya i thought the same but on the same screen it lists steam as well as the consoles
the violence is alright to me but i do find the 3dcg world is hopefully not a jarring juxtaposition. maybe playing it i wont think about it as much as watchin vids of it


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>cuphead but fps
i dunno tbh


it's at least a more interesting concept than cookie cutter spess/modern warfare fps with generic sound design


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shit i've been on
ff7 rebirth: gf liks it but its infuriating. had to tap out multiple times to keep playin. bloat and qte's out the ass. dogshit "emotional" scenes that last entirely too long and add nothing except frustation. mini"games" are frequent and reddit cereal weed meme. combat is more enjoyable after getting and learning cuny ninja, but engaging enough to not hat
sworn: early access, raly fun espec with a bro. hades but good. lotta builds and unlocks and they all play well so far.
monhun beta: only played a little, no opinion yet. apparently its frying anything lower than 4 series nyidias bc the dlss is so mandatory


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first rfk now this wew gud feb 13th budys


looks pretty but i hope the soundtrack isn't all dubstep garbage or whatever the fuck you'd call that ear rape in the trailer


metal slugvania


Looks great, I thought it was actually an SNK game at first


played for an hour, its worth
very faithful and the crt filter options may look the best i've seen


lil spro was telling me that all their shit is riddled with always-online DRMs or something since Like a Dragon


they use Denuvo iirc


this is fun. beat the second boss a little bit ago. thx for postin.


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Been trying the official translation of Touhou Gensou Mahjong they released a few months back. Worth a try if you like the series and know how to play chink tiles. Every toe hoe is playable, even ZUN himself lol. Probably wouldn't pay for it tho considering it's fucking Mahjong and you can play that shit for free in your browser.


couple demos the sleepy guys didnt cover
>monster train 2
i lik the additions but balancing atm forces you into certain builds. free/10
highly recc, same guys that did monster sanctuary. nuzlocke rogueli*e. confusing as shit for a couple mins then rally fun. if nothing else its nice to see new types of games even if its just genre crossovers.


i was reminded of hollow knight the other day and then i remembered there was supposed to be a sequel and it looks like it's in its 6th year of development hell wtf is going on with it i wanna play as the bitch bug


im gonna play split fiction cuz it looks interesting and i like josef "fuck the oscars" farris and because it will maek /v/ really upset since i want to form my own opinion on things
installing it now, hope it doesn't run like dogshit through proton


why would anyone here be mad about it? if it sucks then it's your time wasted, if it's fun then it's just another thing to check out


did it run lik dogshit or do i get to be upset cuz ur forming ure own opinion grrrrr


>since i want to form my own opinion on things
cool it with the antisemitic remarks


so was it fun or did you just make that post because you mistook this /v/ for some dramaring cry party and only wanted the grrs?


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haven't played it yet, i think the installer fucked up and wine is being a lil bitch
im just used to vee autists having pissing contests over who can fake being ongry the most, im glad that spartmen are normal


you can't run it with lutris? that's what i resort to when something doesn't "just werks :^)" when i'm fucking around in nobara


i think the installer crashed since it complained about not finding files. i'll try it again later but i am busy making gaem at the moment


wait, you said something about proton so you're trying to run this off of steam right? check the community to see if anyone else has the same issues. brand new games take some time to become fully supported or at least supported enough to run ok in linux and if you're getting it through steam and can't run it in proton then it might not be supported at all yet


i just looked it up real quick and the clickb8 articles are blabbing about it being on the steam deck so idk man linux b gay like that sometimes


stamdek loonix tho right?


enjoy this stolen text that is green

>be valve, 2018, enjoy printing money from pc games on steam

>realize microsoft could easily kill you by making gaming on windows a walled garden like the app store

>what to do?

>the greatest heist of all time: steal every game from windows by porting them all to linux

>"it can't be done!" screams anon

>"it can, anon. we're going to upgrade wine. reimplement the DirectX API and translate it to Vulkan at runtime. same with .NET, everything." says gaben calmly

>"but you'll never get EVERY windows game to run on linux, we can't even get EVERY windows game to run on windows for christ sake!" shouts anon again

>"we don't need to. we just have to get enough, to convince everyone it's going to work."…

>*cassette time skip to 2025*

>proton is amazing. despite translating everything at runtime, it can run AAA games well and sometimes faster than Windows cuz Windows syscalls slow

>pewdiepie switch to linux

>microsoft absolutely seething

>bill gates personally makes emergency call to satya nadella at 3am

>"they did WHAT? how many users did we lose?"

>"about 30% of gamers sir, they keep saying 'linux gaming just works now'"

>valve's masterplan succeeding beyond expectations

>gaben sitting in office made entirely of knives, laughing

>"phase 1 complete, commence phase 2"


yes that's why i'm saying idk, if it runs on that shit shouldn't it be able to be at least be tweaked to run on other distros besides what the steamdick uses?

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