>>136988>キューバI'm not only referring to the Bay of Pigs fiasco. I'm also referring to the "missile crisis" during the Cold War. It can be successfully compared to the case of NATO expansion to Georgia/Ukraine.
>ベトナムはそもそもフランスが植民地...Apart from that, it was another war of choice, with a fabricated Tonkin Gulf incident used as pretext to manufacture consent. Furthermore, the US publicly regarded South Vietnam as an "ally". Yet, seeing the war effectively lost, it had no problem to wash its hands, abandon it, and pursue its own national interests elsewhere. Another example of the kind of fundamentally self-interest and selfish foreign policy of which I was talking about, common trait of all (European-style) great powers.
>イラクとシリアとリビアI mentioned these as further examples of invasions and wars of choice waged by the US. They are counterparts of the wars which the USSR/Russia waged around its territory. Wars waged by the US are far away while those waged by USSR/Russia are close by because their geographical placement is very different and because they are/were different kinds of empires.
>再調整するのはそんなに危ないこと?The Plaza accords ensured that Japan de-emphasized its manufacturing economy in favor of financialization. The financial sector was deregulated and liberalized. The yen/dollar index was pushed up, hurting Japanese exports. Monetary policy was "loosened", huge amounts of cheap credit was injected into the economy, and government spending was cut.
The Plaza accords were not "再調整". They were an instrument used by Washington to basically dismantle Japan's state-driven capitalism, replacing it with neoliberalism. They did that because in the 1970s and 1980s Japan's economy was growing fast and Washington became scared of falling behind and losing control. Tokyo accepted it because it's not sovereign.
>中国を見れば急速発展の後に停滞が起こるのは他国干渉がなくても自然に起こるものだNo, China's economy has not stagnated so far. Annual GDP growth in China has declined from ~9% to ~5% for a number of reasons (some internal, like the burst of the real-estate bubble, and some external, like the economic "decoupling" pursued by Washington). But Japan's growth went from ~9% to ~1%.
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