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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day


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2034 islamic world cup
please send 100 million pajeets to build stadium and die

t. imam


cool, i hope the opening ceremony will include the stoning of faggots


File: 1733949153786.jpeg (65.28 KB, 712x960, 89:120, Jam.jpeg)

wow what a democratic and totally untainted vote that king abdul bin-ladder azaz al-goatfuck totally had no influence over


Qatar 2022 was good so hopefully saudi 2034 will also be good. Saviours of divegrass over the cucked yuros, inshallah


had SEX with gf


File: 1733843649379.mp4 (487.79 KB, 480x360, 4:3, toast.mp4)

i haven't


fuck off /v/ermin


hey i just wanted you to know that there should be a new sonic character called physical who is a rapist. physical the rapist

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Lik crik
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File: 1733694770140.mp4 (17.12 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, hao to rendarr.mp4)

sometimes i forget how to read crik images


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i member maya
i made a hammer in it a long time ago



gud hamer budy
what did you use as a texture for the handle? looks like it's been skinned with fake snake boots


some unnecessarily high-res texture i found online, this was 10+ years ago so i don't remember

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 No.1665394[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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>the brat one
don't remember that one


nu thred


it was after mommala did her brat thang
it was fucking hilarious


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ceo killa manifesto


>breloom used bullet seed
>it hit 3 time(s)!
>its super effective!

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New York Jets (3-9) vs. Miami Dolphins (5-7)
>12:00 PM CT
<MIA -6.0 TOTAL 45

Atlanta Falcons (6-6) vs. Minnesota Vikings (10-2)
>12:00 PM CT
<MIN -6.0 TOTAL 46

New Orleans Saints (4-8) vs. New York Giants (2-10)
>12:00 PM CT
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gud digits, gud post


good numbers
putler make it so




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The next thread better be Wadina's Feed and Seed


simpsons stram on nflbite
looks like NFL Blitz graphics on a sega dreamcast circa 1999

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wow looking GOOD gayhocks!


its a drunk dudder kinda day
come on duddddddddmen
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i trust your word cock connoisseur


strong zero is great, especially for like 200 yen for the big one
they sell it in parts of the US now but its sweeter and only 6%
<he doesnt know


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filapino beer


sus tbh


watch a PBA game
san miguel beermen numer on

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Sup /sp/? Pic is me and my bros, dubs names our band.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


the lost hipsters and their faggot army


electricity in the distance


Blind Jihad




Is this burning man?

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The Gävle Goat is a traditional Christmas display erected annually at Slottstorget (Castle Square) in central Gävle, Sweden. The display is a giant version of a traditional Swedish Yule goat figure made of straw. It is erected each year by local community groups at the beginning of Advent over a period of two days.

The Gävle Goat has been the subject of repeated arson attacks; despite security measures and a nearby fire station, the goat has been burned to the ground most years since its first appearance in 1966. As of December 2023, 42 out of 58 goats have been destroyed or damaged in some way. Burning or destroying the goat is illegal, and the Svea Court of Appeal has stated that the offence should normally carry a 3-month prison sentence.

Since the start of the tradition in 1966, the goat has been damaged or destroyed 42 out of 58 times. If you're a bong or a meatball you can gamble on it online.

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write more gay fapfics about bald men eloncuck


>Goatstream made private


Oh nevermind, new stream.


I put this on the tv and my girlfriend made me change it to the hallmark channel


you should have bazinga'd her for doing that


wazup negers


duder is gay


t. poopedo

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Los Angeles Chargers (7-4) vs. Atlanta Falcons (6-5)
>12:00 PM CT
<LAC -1.0 TOTAL 47.5

Pittsburgh Steelers (8-3) vs. Cincinnati Bengals (4-7)
>12:00 PM CT
<CIN -3.0 TOTAL 46.5

Houston Texans (7-5) vs. Jacksonville Jaguars (2-9)
>12:00 PM CT
<HOU -3.5 TOTAL 44
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buttermilk brining your chicken is the way to go


>chicken wang's
error THIS


they don't DESERVE it




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what i listen to when sparts aren't on


i lik black


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i hat niggers


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do milk

File: 1722299772740-0.mp4 (19.63 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, laDdxkXChEVqVJ_U.mp4)

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 No.1638943[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

TRUK & PULLR & TREN & PLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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idk bout you but cyber lover girl can get it


this looks so fucking retarded holy shit
as if modern cars couldn't get any worse


if it was vantablack then it'd look kinda like the batmobile from one of those bruce timm batman cartoons


sheem chinky tho


File: 1733858544409.mp4 (5.32 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, most sane mazda owner.mp4)

>NEW: Utah man drives his car through the front of a Mazda dealership just hours after purchasing the car from the same dealership.
>The incident happened in Sandy, Utah, after the man was told he couldn’t return the car.
>The man told the dealership that he would drive the car through the front door of the dealership if they didn’t let him return it.
>They told him that it was sold "as-is."
>The man did exactly what he promised and drove the car through the front door.
>He was arrested on charges of felony criminal mischief and reckless endangerment.


help I'm stuck in Pakistan


watch crik


File: 1733025040829.jpg (16.89 KB, 1020x104, 255:26, Pakistan.jpg)

gud stay ther dirty paki bitch


of meny nos budy

retern two..; indi


pls return home by 8pm


i lik crik hat pak

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