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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day


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on FS1 right now
olympics warmup vs based Serbija



fuck this

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imagine being a growly babby cr
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well, we always have niggers.
niggers never die, they just smell that way


you mean xhe


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>niggers never die
they should
t. moonman


them hole thangs for eggs that snekfags wanna fug

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 No.1629899[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

here, queer, spend your money
how you peppering that angussy?
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i just looked at what my cumulative return for VITAX is and its 20%
and that factors in the HIGH HIGHS that got bought up at last peak
one of my years annualized return rate is 70%, insanity
i have 100k in my 401k right now, so i'm closing in on 600k total rn
and thats with the bulk really, half of my portfolio rn languishing


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what a prick




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>>1635334 ­

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fourth of july thred
dog bles
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it is truly fucking wild how many foreign conflicts and wars this fucking faggot has voted for while in political office
like easily over 100


about the same as any other president since ww2 really. trump being one of the few outliers.


cry more freedomless faggot you only have so many chances before your muslim neighbor beheads you and gets a medal for it


Check em

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new gura song


goor goora, usuhda pegora, hochee ma-chee SOOIISEI!


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wtf how much do i need to pay to get one


A lot. Scalpers are making bank.


i hat gura tbh budys

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 No.1628292[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Opening fixture:
Allahmagne vs. Scuntland
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Now that sounds more like it


t. ed gein


inglamd is gay af


>if you think A is gay and stupid you support B
i bet you vote too faggot


>don’t vote for le zion don
t. Nick “im not gay” Fedentes

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you guys want a hat?


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meny thenkrs speenon


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Royals (49-43) vs. Cardinals (48-42)
>12:45 PM CT
<KC +118 STL -139

Twins (52-39) vs. White Sox (26-67)
>1:10 PM CT
<MIN -161 CWS +135

Twins (52-39) vs. White Sox (26-67)
>4:40 PM CT
<MIN -200 CWS +165
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yankees are causing me immense pain
i started to believe


dont do that


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i normally dont
but early season, the eye test told me they were legit

bullpen was cooking
offense was cooking
lots of strikeouts, whiffs, weak contact from pitchers
getting on base, hitting with risp, homeruns from the offense

like past years the yankees record has been good but im like "yeah i dont buy it" but this year they looked legit


still a lotta basedball left budy



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make the natsu thread
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no. find CR whorb


This sumo tournament happens every odd month. So not in June.
There is amateur and university sumo, I don't know if they are public, and the pro-wrestlers hold various public trainings and whatnot.
You could check arenas in Tokyo, Nagoya, Fukuoka, and Osaka.
Also: https://sugoii-japan.com/sumo-tokyo-guide


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sportschan doin the thing in shanghai
heres a sports




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there is a literal ZERO percent chance this bitch hasnt serviced an entire mississippi river's worth of cock


saw her in half and count the rings to confirm chastity


uhm so i'm not seeing the rings…


then sheem aint a virgo
pack it up boys move on to the next one
clyde u haul the woodchipper this time



 No.1630839[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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looks more like average mike


i blame tengoo for nuking /k/ and the retard who asked dudder for a bunker here


Hey don't pull me into this, I've been a good boi I dindu nuffin.


i really want to know the truth
i really want to know if sheem gotta cock



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 No.1632349[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


gimme that sword back - GHOSTfrog

🇫🇷⚔️⁉️ — On French social media, it was reported that on the weekend that Durandal, the Legendary Sword of Roland - A Frankish Paladin under the Carolingian Emperor Charlemagne -, which was embedded in the rock for centuries in Rocamadour was stolen by unknown people.

➡️ Given the context of the elections, the decision was taken not to communicate before this Monday

➡️ “It’s an invaluable asset. To my knowledge, Durandal is the only legendary sword that really exists,” laments the mayor of Rocamadour (Lot), Dominique Lenfant, this Monday.

➡️ An investigation, entrusted to the local gendarmerie, was opened, learned from’elle 20 Minutes, confirming the information of the Dépêche newspaper.
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thats in-line w what that goofy ass lookin eye witness dude w the dyed-orange hair said
he said he saw the kid crawling on the roof, could see the rifle barrel poking out, and went over and asked some cops, "hey is that ur guy?", then spent the next 2 or 3 minutes trying to get the cops to do anything


gotcha budy. point is the fag in that pic probably does that slightly bent elbows w/ass in the air type shit if he thinks 55 gud form pushups is super ez
yah 100 yds


100 yds for a headshot is p challenging even with a scope because as >we saw all the target's gotta do is move his head a little bit and/or the wind just has to blow slightly to fuck up the trajectory


i really wish we could get a fucking motive
this nigga really decided "hmmmm, today i will kill an ex-president" and didnt write anything about it ?

didnt leave any digital trace, visiting "itsgoingdown" downloading anarchists cookbook, my fucking ass

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Athletics (35-60) vs. Phillies (61-32)
>5:40 PM CT
<OAK +231 PHI -286

Dodgers (55-39) vs. Tigers (45-49)
>5:40 PM CT
<LAD +112 DET -133

Guardians (57-35) vs. Rays (46-47)
>5:50 PM CT
<CLE +120 TB -142
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did the bulls get out of the bullcage?


>It was y'know totally an accident y'know
I've seen these types too much to believe a word anyone who says "y'know" more than twice has to say. He's clearly holding back his guts, it's just a matter of whether he's laughing that he dun dirty or crying at his fuckup inside.


i recommend watching the behaviour panel on yt. you'll learn a lot. dude here doesn't mean what he says
>"it's unfortunate bla bla you never want to hit somebody bla bla"
nothing happening on the forehead or brows, no action on the chin boss. no signs of regret or shame. compare this to an interview where he blows a save and you see a lot of chin boss movement as he is ashamed of his performance
>"i hope he's good tomorrow"
a lot of lip compression here which means he disapproves what he says and basically doesn't want to say it
>"front door sinker which doesn't cut"
has to supress a smile. clearly a lie





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/sp/ is in the tournament!
watch in around 40 minutes.
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bad bitch wadina shoving those nerdy ass anigay grils in lockers and fucking their boyfriends


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fuck off mark


Is that the one with the NTR shit? That got removed and then added in again?


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File: 1720848377329-1.webm (12.66 MB, 720x720, 1:1, al_mawt_li_israil.webm)

you forgot the best part


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make the oklahoma thread
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what cr lookin at


His GHOSTdar goin off.





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flood detected, post discarded

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