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its a tampa kinda day


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San Jose Sharks (14-29-6) vs. Boston Bruins (23-19-6)
>12:00 PM CT
<BOS -216 OVER 5.5

Minnesota Wild vs. Colorado Avalanche
Game in Progress
>MIN: 1 - COL: 1

Buffalo Sabres vs. Seattle Kraken
Game in Progress
>BUF: 1 - SEA: 2
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canadumb is about to be annexed and most of you will be immediately executed. Some of you will be reassigned to be slaves or pets or whatever


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gud win. death to tampa

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Houston Texans (10-7) vs. Kansas City Chiefs (15-2)
>3:30 PM CT
<KC -8.5 TOTAL 41.5

Washington Commanders (12-5) vs. Detroit Lions (15-2)
>7:00 PM CT
<DET -9.5 TOTAL 55.5


Los Angeles Rams (10-7) vs. Philadelphia Eagles (14-3)
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bills being setup to lose to muttyhomo


josh allen is a prophet of god. the final message
taylor swift and jackson mahomes will be banished to the crystal, where their sissy hypnotic twerk powers can never threaten this realm ever again. the kc bloodline will be permanently sealed off, and kc will accept buffalos ancient curse placed on it by the injuns


please mister trumps president, i am five years old, please make this happen


it would be hilarious if the bills make it to the owl
and lose to yet another NFC East team

they would even make it a quadfecta if they lose to the eagles


34th time's the charm




oh fuck i created a thread by accident damn it


ahh shit i bumbed it fuck




fuck i forgot to sage it



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 No.1672674[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


never 4get the day evil trump supporters walked into a public building in an attempt to overthrow our democracy -GHOST from Maryland

imagine certifying your own loss lmao
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This, it's like saying it's some autocratic dictatorship to make Jimmy go home when he's already stayed all day long and eaten dinner with your fam hanging out with your kid even offering to give him a ride home
Except in this scenario Jimmy is actually Jose and he's a 26 y/o South American spic who raped your daughter behind the shed while your wife was pretending she couldn't hear the screams cuz she didn't wanna be raysist


How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray?
And if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray.
Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.
Matthew 18:12-14


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oh shid she's whippin' up a new one


i don't want whorbs i want politics
what's da update


i want to be a yung boy terrorized like this

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Criket in Adelaide. Australia vs India. 2nd Test.
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winner winner
this is true tbh
i dont remember how many credits i had at grad like 120-130?? but only about half of them had any engineering relevance, and the general ed stuff was 50% literal marxism of the frankfurt school variety, and so piss easy bottom denominator that i didn't study for a single one and got As on nearly all of them
also like you said, there was a requirement to take a minimum number of
>social justice
>ethnic studies
>environmental """""science"""""
category courses. i dont remember the exact number but i think it was in the range of 20 credits
i can go through my transcripts and name the courses if you wish– i remember i took Asian American studies thinking at least there would be asians
there werent
except a couples HAPAs who whined about being confused at all times lel
also professor ended up being some whinging filipino hipster who was in an open relationship with his girlfriend/mother of his child and he would go into tirades about his trump supporting border patrol brother LMAO


He is making that shit up it in the moment. The only question that he asks to the HR emplooyes that hire people is "Is he a non-white outside of the USA?" for that sweet sweet non-american employee discount.


this is fucking retarded

this is "put that sigma song on" over it bait for low iq dumbies who click on videos "ONE SECRET ALL BILLIONAIRES HAVE IN COMMON" and think they are the next bill gates


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Did churchill like pakistan?


it's pretty clever in that autistic ruleslawyer technically-not-lying kind of way
if you tell me your entire life story I'll know whether or not to hire you but we'll be stuck in this room for the next 3 days

 No.1672824[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

make a dacar thread
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division by zero


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no flood


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 No.1655002[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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yes it is a point where all of the epsteins do their little girl sex slave trafficking
you should stop flying jewnited airlines to avoid denver


all of colorado is cursed so the airport automatically is as well


not just denver
colorado is officially a quarantined state
you must tell all your california and new york friends to stay out and maybe also kill themselves idk


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what is paki airlines trying to tell us?



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 No.1673652[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Los Angeles Chargers (11-6) vs. Houston Texans (10-7)
>3:30 PM CT
<LAC -2.5 TOTAL 42

Pittsburgh Steelers (10-7) vs. Baltimore Ravens (12-5)
>7:00 PM CT
<BAL -9.5 TOTAL 44


Denver Broncos (10-7) vs. Buffalo Bills (13-4)
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if you surrender to the sphills what is the point in memeing


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>minnesota is the only 14 win team to lose in the first round
>the only 13 win team to lose in the first round? also minnesota
lel biqueens making history


minnysoda has one of the highest winning percentages ever but always chokes in the playoffs


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pls maek 'dakar rally wadina' with that ai thing of youre thanks thx


no spartman ever told me how to improve my wage slave always tired life in 5 steps


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hatsu basho starts today, budys!
still don't know if i can get any source for the videos
so stay tuned i till update you budys
generally can reach me here or not: https://cytu.be/r/endcorner



fuk yu fagor get bak to werk in crikbat factori den maybee i payr yu 50 rupees

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 No.1650310[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


.>we are on the eve of the fall season now after a generally mediocre season AGAIN
upcoming notables
>Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon S5?
as a recap and possible spoiler left off last season with him basically entering a relationship after bonding with the elf through shared hardship
they better not fucking back off on that it was actually really refreshing
>BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!! S2
a K-on knock off with decent ratings? i really liked bochi the rock, maybe i'll try this
>Demon Lord 2099
a 'demon lord returns' and cyberpunk synthesis. basically 'boomer demonlord reincarnates in gen alpha cybertopia' which is a premise i might like because i like fish out of water tropes
>re zero S3
i hated the second half of the first one so much i didn't even bother watching s2

a smattering of isekai or video gaym fantasy that are probably garbage but will update if theres a standout
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dont eat the street food


ofc not lmao why would you just pick up turds off the street and bite them?


just wait until 2030 bitch basterd bitch


fuck last season was so fucking slow the thread is still up
gonna lock this thread so the next seasons stuff can get front and center

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Thursday, Jan. 9
%No. 5 Notre Dame 27, No. 4 Penn State 24 (College Football Playoff semifinal — Orangeb Owl)

Friday, Jan. 10
No. 3 Texas vs. No. 6 Ohio State (College Football Playoff semifinal — Cottonb Owl) | 7:30 p.m. | ESPN


STRAMS - sportsurge.net
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texas choking hard making idiot plays
death to ohio


also ohio shit coach runs lik a gril


>texas lost
lel they rly choked that one away for no reason other than being rarted
yay for a championship that no one in the world cares about


it's what the NCAA always wanted.


had we just used the 4 team playoff none of this would have happened
all 4 top rated seeds also lose right away
shit playoffs
shit championship game
death to ohio and cucklith scum
hope ISIS wins

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now you have


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>look what i found
must have been nice when attending a hockey game was like going to the opera


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i seent em

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Cleveland Browns (3-13) vs. Baltimore Ravens (3-13)
>4:30 PM CT

Cincinnati Bengals (8-8) vs. Pittsburgh Steelers (10-6)
>8:00 PM CT


>Carolina Panthers at Atlanta Falcons, 1:00p, CBS

>Washington Commanders at Dallas Cowboys, 1:00p, FOX
>Chicago Bears at Green Bay Packers., 1:00p, FOX
>Jacksonville Jaguars at Indianapolis Colts, 1:00p, FOX
>Buffalo Bills at New England Patriots, 1:00p, CBS
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wow to think Shannon was the good guy all along


IATA budy pls check dacar thred kindly 🙏


>1.5 million for sex
Bullshit and I don't believe it.


the story gets ridiculous and it sounds like this bitch was making some shit up as revenge for getting fired

she alleges that joy "milk truck have arrived" taylor also bullied her and made fun of her muslim name with like school yard tier name parody

just thinking about joy with her large breasts protruding very very disrespectfully as she mogs this hairstylist on set rally gave me a chuckle

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Tuesday, Dec. 31
No. 4 Penn State vs. No. 9 Boise State (College Football Playoff quarterfinals — Fiestab Owl) | 7:30 p.m. | ESPN

Wednesday, Jan. 1
No. 3 Texas vs. No. 12 Arizona State (College Football Playoff quarterfinals — Peachb Owl) | 1 p.m. | ESPN
No. 1 Oregon vs. No. 6 Ohio State (College Football Playoff quarterfinals — Roseb Owl) | 5 p.m. | ESPN
No. 2 Georgia vs. No. 5 Notre Dame (College Football Playoff quarterfinals — Sugarb Owl) | 8:45 p.m. | ESPN

Sunday, Jan. 5
North Central (IL) vs. Mount Union (Staggb Owl for the DIII championship game in Houston) | 8 p.m. | ESPN

Monday, Jan. 6
Montana State vs. North Dakota State (FCS championship game in Frisco, Texas) | 7 p.m. | ESPN

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go n central


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go ndsu


NDSU won the thang


i can't stop watching this


the sound it makes is ridiculously funny. wtf even is it? jello?

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I'm genderfluid
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im trans btw


If ranma gets pregnate and transforms back into a guy, what happens to the baby?


bump since this is a vary important question


the babby moves to the boy uterus aka the colon and then gets miscarried out his asshole


Is it possible for ranma to impregnate himself??

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