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its a tampa kinda day


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 No.1662030[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

#previous threads

current status:
>UN:Nearly 70 percent of deaths in Gaza are women and children. Overall, 44 percent of the victims were children
>Israeli football fans clash with protesters in Amsterdam
>Qatar agrees to kick Hamas leaders out of Doha following US request
>Former IRGC Quds Force deputy Mohammadreza Gholamreza says Iran should focus on US targets to avenge the killing of top IRGC man Qassem Soleimani
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i did see some stuff lik this after typing in some words from this pic and hitting enter but i dont wanna do the archive im goin sleep gn budys


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pisshell doin thangs in west bank
jordan and egypt met yesterday, seein talk they're startin to pull up w/ military assets on the border


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house getting bulldozed by joos but at least their laundry will be done


>piss hell waves it's tiny pecker around while big dick amerigay looms in the background
>ayyrabs roll up and wave multiple timy peckers around
just kill everyone with semitic/arab genes lmao fuck the entire middle east snd their gay shit


Damn the arabs are weaker than I thought. What a shame.

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hey sportschan its yours truly OJmil here
faked my death last year so I could be more equipped to search for THE TRUE KILLER™
I will be searching today at Trump National in Rancho Palos Verdes


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hey thats good
let us know how it goes


based juice

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thinking about creating a new /sp/ersonality. I've already been a travelbro, angrybro, kakibro etc but I'm wondering what to be next, open to suggestions.
dubs decide my new /sp/ersonality i guess
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take it easy


oh hey perfect example right here be hortler and randomly spaz over nothing for a little bit


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a worthy successor?
that's a high bar to overcome


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do dis


i always wonder what they said right before lowtax got up and went to his corner

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new happy face every day until duddder makes drunk dudder thread


new thread everyday until dudder makes a drunk dudder thread


o/u 6.5 every day threads


Sure! Here's a rewritten version with the same tone and intensity:


americans: is Taco Bell overhyped? - thanks. an European
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nipdonalds is different from american mcdonald's anyways, completely different company. prolly just using the "foreign stuff = cool" angle
also i don't have it but there's that video of a wholesome jap mcdonald's commercial compared to american mcdonald's ad with some nigger troon screaming about murder


McDicks is still the same low-quality McDicks in Japan that it is in America, the only difference is that niggers aren't making your food in Japan so it doesn't taste like shit and piss from unwashed hands and dirty countertops.
t. have had nihon WacNodalds


California burger would have made a lot more sense.


i think they were going for the Captain Planet angle


They do promotions like that every month. I know that they do a Hawaiian themed burger e every year so i wouldn't be surprised if they did a california one

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is he elite?
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/tv/ here, who is this guy


he is formally known as Chuck


mistah officah


he plays for the worst team in the league, fitting for a meme name

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CANADA (0-0-0) vs. SWEDEN (0-0-0)
>7:00 PM CT
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poor retard who made that pass is prolly getting caned in the locker room


wat a fuckup



That's sum wallhax shit right there, but I'll let the Leafs have it. Goalee probably figured the game was over and didn't give a shit.
fr fr


nah, he wasn't a retard he was just a bit unlucky. it's a typical set play with only a few seconds on the clock. win the draw go d to d and shoot it. if the pass is crisp knies can't intercept it and letang gets a good shooting opportunity from the high slot. but the puck rolls off karlsons stick and slowy rolls towards letang which gave knies the break away


Where da jschan at dudbro


it crarshed

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Y'all spiggas be mad at my new ride
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pinkie pie sucks ass
rainbow dash is top tier, followed closely by Twilight sparkle


Applejack is the only one who puts in the effort to be worth a damn, y'hear?


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clop in hell horsefuckers


this is so fucking gay, if anything rainbow dash should be the guy with the uniform unloading the train, and the emotions he should be feeling are JOY


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wachu finna do bout it, ytboi?


what is ur name

mine is peter peterson


>what is ur name
my name is mine

t. Jeff Jeffers

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 No.1681568[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


if you bigots had just listened to us about CLIMATE CHANGE the meteor would've hit mar-a-lago instead of bombay -GHOSTPeace

>China is recruiting for what it calls a “planetary defense” unit to protect Earth from an asteroid that could strike in 2032. Beijing’s State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry has posted job listings for three positions, according to a Chinese news outlet.

>One listing said the department was seeking graduates to study asteroid monitoring and design early warning systems.
>The move comes as the European Space Agency reported on Friday that the probability of Asteroid 2024 YR4 hitting Earth in 2032 was 2.2%.

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but who would play chrischan?


i just rly dont see where or how it couldve been worse given the circumstances. short of it spiraling out into actual WWIII, of course. and/or it continuing uninterrupted for another 3-4yrs which it def wouldve under bidup/kammy
in terms of modern wars fought with modern militaries armed with modern equipment, this war was on a completely diff level than anything thats happened since ive been alive. and it rly is not close.

syrian civil war was a legendary shitshow with lik a dozen diff sides killing each other for over a decade. all while civvies were trapped directly in the middle of it. even that has nowhere near these numbers.
and in slavlands you can hardly even fight for lik a third of the year, cuz its cold af. didnt matter here tho, cuz drones. still hundreds on each side dying every week, even in the absolute doldrums of winter. you got 100s of thousands of kids coming back home as paraplegics, if they were even lucky enough to come back at all. the mass dismemberment is what rly sets it apart from other wars imo. its lik the IED casualties from iraq war, but multiplied by a gorillion

ill say it again, cuz it bears repeating: this war was absolutely fucking retarded


more lik it turns out kiwinigger rumors aren't actually evidence and anyone can tell at a glance that chris can be tricked into saying and believing p much anything if you word it to him right bc he's a literal autist


the world population was collectively less than 2.5 billion in the 40s and ww1 and ww2 combined killed about 100 million people so those two conflicts alone btfo like 4% of the global population and then there was all the smaller wars and commie genocides that took place outside of the scope of either world war. then post-ww2 the korean war and vietnam war piled on another couple million bodies, prolly millions dedded in apefrican and south american conflicts bc >cold war, then the iran-iraq shitfest and yugoslavia breaking up
i'm not gonna do all these calculations rn but that's a couple hundred million ded in a century even %-wise that btfos the vast majority of past centuries save for shit like the black plague and golden horde days and maybe a couple of ancient chink dynasties


she hit the wall


ITT: describe your dad with a subreddit's name
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 No.1655002[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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fancy architecture
do you have pics of the inside?


I've got pictures from Wadinas insides


i was in monaco some years ago and the thing that struck me the most was how clean and nice everything was. i went into a public restroom and it looked like a five star hotel with marble and golden faucets. no trash, no grafiti, no tags and no bums or third worlders anywhere. must be nice to live there.
i recommend continuing to st.tropez. the one thing i can't forget about st.tropez is the mcdonalds. inside worked 5 10/10 supermodels. i'm not kidding. there were 5 absolutely beautiful women behind the counter


yeah but I bet the big macs were like 30€


iirc the prices were normal

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i thought sports ching was gone forever


it is. do you not remember hitting your head?


yah where is teh bunker now that depreschan is kil?




Did something happen, i was out for a week


yah >we just crashed

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